If you care about nonprofits and the work they do, then you need to know about Guide Star. Guide Star is a 501(c)(3) public charity that collects, organizes, and presents information about every single IRS registered nonprofit organization. Information is presented in an easy-to-understand format while remaining neutral. Providing nonprofit information to a broader audience at no cost to users is an important part of their public service.
Why do they exist? According to the Center for Civil Society Studies at Johns Hopkins University, more than 70 million people work and volunteer in the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit employees make up the third largest workforce among US industries, behind only retail and manufacturing. Nonprofits create total revenue of more than $1.9 billion annually, exceeding the total GDP of Canada, Australia, Russia, or India.
Guide Star believes that the best possible decisions are made when donors, fundraisers, researchers, educators, professional service providers, governing agencies, and the media have access to the kind of quality information that they provide. Guide Star bills itself as 'the search engine for nonprofit information'. Revenue to support Guide Star comes from membership programs, program related grants, contributions, subscriptions, and licensing fees for services.
Guide Star has three rating levels that they assign to nonprofit organizations based on completeness, clarity, and verification of data provided. These are bronze, silver and gold. The Joseph Groh Foundation was recently notified they had earned the Gold level certification, the highest available from Guide Star. The Joseph Groh Foundation values every dollar received from donors and feel it's important to provide as much transparency as possible. For more information visit www.guidestar.org.