Christine Faini with her new hospital bed
Christine’s husband Eugene is a foreman for the James W Flett Company. They are a heavy civil engineering construction firm in the Boston area that works on projects up to $20 million. Christine acquired Necrotizing Autoimmune Myelopathy Post Covid. After acquiring Covid, Christine never felt quite right. Two months later she noticed a tingling feeling in her feet. She gradually became paralyzed from the waist down, lost bowel and bladder control and experienced weakness in her wrists and hands. She was admitted to Newton Wellesley Hospital where she spent a week before being transferred to Massachusetts Gen. Hospital where she spent a month. They discovered her autoimmune system was compromised, caused by a virus that attacked her spine which is what caused the paralysis.
They cannot predict her prognosis as this is only one of about 22 cases in the US!
She was released to Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital where her case manager learned about the foundation. In order to be released back to her home in Framingham, Eugene and Christine needed quite a few items that insurance would not pay for. This included a hospital therapy bed, a ramp into the home, a shower chair, changes to their bathroom and respiratory equipment. When describing the financial toll this has taken on them, Eugene said, “We are down to one income and there are so many things that Chrissie needed before she could come home. I am going to be at home for two months to help her, but she is unable to come home unless a ramp is in place, and she has a good hospital bed. We do not know what our future will be as this is such a rare case. Our lives have changed forever but Chrissie just wants to come home and get back to living as best she can and learn to accept what has happened to her.”
Thanks to our terrific donors, we were able to help Eugene and Christine!
After receiving the ramp, hospital bed and other items Christine sent a note to the foundation which read, “We are so incredibly grateful for your generous gift. It has taken an enormous amount of anxiety and stress off of us and it is people like you that we will be forever grateful for. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you and God bless!”
Christine’s entry ramp for the home